Since the discovery of the ‘real tresure’ of Al Aqsa in 2012, The Committee has worked relentless on an ambitious restoration project

Already Rs 4m has been invested in the project and we have reached a critical phase, where we will
need local and international support in making Al Aqsa as a real gem in the jewel of Islaam in the
Southern Hemisphere and position it as an international heritage of the Muslim Ummah.

Life Has a Purpose

Understanding who we are.

We can worship God by praying and by performing good deeds and avoiding bad deeds. An everyday activity can be considered an act of worship when performed solely for the sake of God.

Be kind to our neighbour

Brothers & Sisters, while visiting Mosque at all times please park your vehicle / bike sensibly, safely and securely. Please be considerate to the neighbours whilst parking, pick up and drop off.

Where we were

Brief Historical overview

“Al Aqsa: the first congregation

of mulsims of the Eastern Suburb”

“Al Aqsa: cradle, heart and focal

point of the muslim community”

200 Years Commemoration and unexpected Discovery

“Al Aqsa: the first congregation

of mulsims of the Eastern Suburb”